Tuesday, January 18, 2011

just gonna brag here, feel free to not read this

I am possibly the luckiest girl in the world. Seriously. I am mostly healthy, have a good job, good friends and family, cutest dog ever...and the best boyfriend in the universe. I am so disgustingly crazy about this guy right here....

I love this pic because I didn't know anyone was taking it. I love how happy I am just watching him open a gift from mom & Mike. I love how this is how I stare at him 99% of the time we're together.

Like I told Elisabeth. It's like I wake up everyday and realize that I've won the lottery.

Reminds me of a quote from Breaking Dawn-Bella:

"I opened my eyes and found his open, too, staring at my face. It made no sense when he looked at me that way... Like I was the prize rather than the outrageously lucky winner."

And that's just how I feel

And if you don't like it-then hit the red X at the top of this window. Cause I'm not shutting up about him anytime soon...

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