I thought this would be a nice spot to record what's going on in the pregnancy. Or at least try to document it...as you can see I haven't blogged in a year so don't trust that I'll keep it up. Whoopsie!
Big thanks to Hollie Dyson Photography for taking our announcement photos!
How far along? As of today, 11 weeks, 6 days!
Total weight gain/measurements: 0 lbs. I am just as shocked as you are! The doc was proud. This won't last much longer.
Maternity clothes: I embraced those early, because I was given so many as gifts and I was bloated. I heart maternity jeans. I may never go back to regular jeans.
Have you started to show yet? Nope. Just bloated some days.
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Friday rushing before work. 11 weeks 4 days Don't mind the ghetto phone selfie. |
Stretch marks: Trying my best! But I'm prone to them! I've had stretch marks since my growth spurt at 12 years old, so I am certain I'll have them.
Sleep: Not good. I wake up multiple times a night. Have only had one baby dream and it was probably 2 weeks ago. It was a boy. I do fall asleep any chance I get though. I love the couch.
Best moment this week: Finding out all was well at an emergency appointment, and I got to see baby move for the first time! Was so sad Darren didn't get to see, but Mom and Sam did. Emergencies suck.
Miss anything? Energy. I never had a ton, but I feel like I've been beaten on a daily basis now. It is slightly better, after a solid month of not cleaning, we cleaned the house soooo good last weekend. Now just trying to keep it up.
Movement: None. But I got to see it on the screen!
Food cravings: Potatoes, potatoes, potatoes. This baby loves them. Which is funny, since I have never cared about potatoes. And of course, Icees.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Seeing raw meat, and basically having to think about or smell anything I'm not craving at that moment. Oh and prenatal vitamins. They are the devil. Funny, since I've taken them for my hair and nails for over 2 years, suddenly now they make me sick.
Gender: We think boy. Although Mom and Darren have both had girl dreams. Darren still thinks boy.
Labor signs: Heck no, too early!
Symptoms: Sore body-this is by far my worst symptom right now and has been for weeks-especially legs, feet, and boobs. Less nausea now, occasional bloat, faintness, exhaustion. I also cry, like every day. Almost always over sentimental stuff. Although Friday night I cried because I didn't feel good. No joke. Like a 4 year old. And lawd have mercy it's Christmas!
Belly button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On and still fit well. For now!
Happy or moody most of the time: Tired and weepy. I'm nuts.
Thankful for: The baby still being here-I don't think I'll ever stop worrying about that. Darren helping me so much when I'm home (I basically suck and do nothing at home right now). My snuggly puppies, and Mom for being there for all of the emergencies!
Looking forward to: Not being so tired-the supposed "magic" of the second trimester, and when I actually feel like cleaning, learning the baby's gender so we can make room plans.